Thursday, July 26, 2007


The delicate balance of ingredients
that make up the earth & it's atmosphere
can be likened to a cooking recipe.
You can adjust the ingredients somewhat
and all will be well,
but a large imbalance of any of the ingredients
will surely spoil the dish.
This is a simplified simile of what we're facing today.
Just as adding a touch more salt might make the
food you're cooking even tastier,
but throwing in the whole box of salt will make the food inedible,
So it is with the recipe for sustaining life on earth.
A little bit of extra CO2 here & there
is great for helping plants grow.
MEGA tons of extra CO2 will make like on earth impossible.
I hope this little analogy helps to make
this enormous problem we face
a little easier to understand.
I've read that throwing a raw potato
in over-salted food can remove the excess salt.
It works for a little bit of excess salt.
How many potatoes it would take to remove a box of salt ?

I wonder what the cure for our atmosphere might be.
What "potato" might there be that can absorb the excess CO2 ?
Trees absorb CO2, but I just don't see us launching them into the sky !
I sure hope science figures it out in time.

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